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Engineering Design Teams

For information, please visit: Engineering Design Teams.

The Engineering Design Centre (EDC)

The Wayne and William White Engineering Design Centre (EDC) is a student-focused facility supporting engineering design activities at UBC.

The EDC houses a number of engineering student teams, various prototyping, fabrication and prototyping spaces, a classroom level for group-oriented design courses, and spaces for studying, collaboration and events.  We invite you to explore what we have to offer.

We also provide links here to a number of design-focused courses in the Faculty of Applied Science.  If you are from industry looking to find students to work on a design project or a student wondering what design-focused courses you can take, please explore some of the offerings described here.

EDC Open Hours:

  • Monday to Friday: 7:30am to 8pm,
  • Saturday and Sunday: 7:30am to 6pm
  • Closed on Statutory holidays

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

Faculty of Applied Science
Dean's Office - Kaiser 5000
2332 Main Mall,
Vancouver , BC, V6t 1Z4, Canada
Design @ UBC
UBC Vancouver Campus
2345 East Mall,
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4, Canada

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