[discontinued] – APSC 496 is no longer being offered at UBC. If you are interested in the kinds of projects this course was designed to support, please consult the coordinators of the departmental capstone projects (eg, in MECH, ECE and ENPH).
Interdisciplinary Capstone Project Course. We have established a faculty-wide multidisciplinary, year-long capstone design project (APSC 496 – Interdisciplinary Capstone Project), which requires teams of 4th-year students from 2 or more engineering disciplines to work jointly on design projects, each in association with a local industrial partner who serves as a client for the teams. The design projects have faculty advisors from each appropriate department from which students originate. We solicit a range of projects in collaboration with our industrial partners, and match students from different departments to form project teams in the fall. We offer Design Studio space and some funding for materials, although sponsoring companies will be expected to contribute the bulk of the project-specific costs. At the end of the projects, typically in April, students present their project to a panel comprised of faculty members from various disciplines and industry representatives and in a public project fair.
For more information, please contact:
Antony Hodgson, Professor
ahodgson (at) mech.ubc.ca